ROLE: Technical Artist
NHL 2001
Release date:
September 2000
Electronic Arts Canada
PC, PlayStation, PlayStation 2
After some brief training from the previous Technical Artist, I took on the entire role of Technical Artist for NHL 2001. My main focus being the preparation of art assets for the game engine and engineering team. I created automation tools/scripts for processing the tens of thousands of art assets for the various platform requirements that the game was shipped on.
Key Responsibilities:
The sole Technical Artist responsible for processing all art assets for the game.
Error checking all 3D geometry for unintentional vertex/poly overlap and redundancies that would affect rendering performance
Error checking all UV mapping and texture use for inaccuracies and performance issues
Laying out art guidelines for best practices and performance based art processes
Directed texture memory usage based on restrictions laid out by engineering and how art could optimize their creations including palette bit depths and resolutions
Worked with EA’s Tools & Libraries team for custom macros/tools to be added to artist’s installations of 3DS Max and Maya
Created MEL scripts that allowed artists to catch issues early on
Created command line batch scripts for texture video memory map layouts that would automate the creation of texture sheets for the various shipping platforms
Was able to automate a large chunk of data processing that allowed full art packages to be delivered to engineering as fast as a PC could perform the operation
Encoding of all video assets including the ever present “EA Sports, it’s in the game!” bumper
Off project experimentation with the Studio Technical Artist in render farm rendering capabilities throughout the studio.