ROLE: Lead Designer - Multiplayer
Duke Nukem Forever
Release date:
June 2011
Piranha Games Inc./Gearbox Software
PC, PlayStation 3, XBox 360, macOS
I was the Lead Designer for the multiplayer features for the project. This was a WFH project in conjunction with Gearbox Software.
Key Responsibilities:
Owner/Designer of all multiplayer game modes
Frequent feedback loops with the production team at Gearbox
Customizing classic modes to be flavored around the IP
CTF - “Capture the Babe”
King of the Hill - “Hail to the King”
Death Match - “Duke Match”
Team Death Match - “Team Duke Match”
Mutator system for custom match settings
Worked with the Lead Level Designer to ensure pacing and gameplay were of high standards
Shrink ray escape paths
Jump pad placement
Placement of pick-ups and resources to ensure fair gameplay
Tuned weaponry for a fun and compelling player experience